Saturday, November 9, 2013

It's NaNo time! woot!

Chalk up another screw-up to Blogger's iPad app :-( This post seems to have reverted to draft, but I want to publish it even though it's technically out of date.

I’m doing NaNo for the first time! This makes me giddy with possibilities and scared of falling way short of the goal…but I’m going ahead!

This will be something very different from my novel WIP, Street Glass. I’m calling this one Night Shift. It’s a basic good-vs-evil tale, with angelic-like beings and demonic-like beings. I say “like” because I haven’t uncovered their full natures yet. I don’t even care at this point, because NaNo is not about getting all the wrinkles ironed out (unless you go rebel and use the NaNo buzz to edit a previously written story).

I may even go further out on that limb and write this in first person. Using third person for Street Glass has always felt natural so I haven’t tried to change that, but for this story, first person may work better. The tale centers on Devorah Moore, daughter of the local police chief, who loses her job at a non-profit foundation when the funding dries up. She’s put her heart and soul into that job and feels pretty unbalanced without it. Then her father the chief is shot dead; everybody knows which one of the local gangs is responsible, but there’s no physical proof and nobody’s talking.

Devorah isn’t sure where to turn for comfort—her father was Catholic and her mother is Jewish, leaving Devorah without a strong attachment to either faith. When a strange man shows up and can prove he’s not as human as he looks, she wonders if it’s time to get serious about one religion or the other. The man offers her a way to bring the one responsible for her father’s murder to justice, but it doesn’t involve any earthly court.

I’m excited to delve into the lives of totally new characters :-D I’ll probably post about my progress once or twice, and might use the story for an excerpt on Weekend Writing Warriors. If I don’t post for WeWriWa every single Sunday in November, it’s because NaNo has eaten my life. I’m okay with that :-D

Have you done NaNo? How did it go? Did you “win” the first time or did you need to build some NaNo chops? I’m always interested in other people’s experience!, do not have laptop, am trying to use Blogger's iPad app, very frustrating! Bear with me!


  1. Sooo many of my comments using my ipad didn't go through. I had a big long comment to this one. Sigh.... I will cheer you on as I doubt this year I'll be able to do it. The Milk Carton Murders that I post every week was a nano novel. :)

  2. Hey Marcia, I'm very intrigued! Sounds like an excellent merging of mystery and the supernatural world, which I love! You should definitely post your synopsis in the NaNo forum - I think the thread is called 30 covers 30 days. I think you have a good chance of being picked up by one of the graphic artists for cover art.

    I'm still working on plot holes..hahaha..working around them I mean :D I'm hoping to be finished with the outline tomorrow midnight!!
