Sunday, April 6, 2014

Weekend Writing Warriors 4/6/14 - Not sure I want to be alone with you anymore

Got some time this fine Sunday morning? Go on a Weekend Writing Warriors blog hop – it’s less strenuous than a hike but a whole lot more fun! You can visit other planets, other countries here on Earth, even other times, and be back well before lunch J

Continuing with my NaNo story tentatively title Night Shift, Kazimir has a bit of fun in this excerpt. In the last couple of snippets, Devorah had a close encounter with an ugly demon and very nearly got a first-hand look at what hell is like. Kazimir came by her house later to see if she was all right. She agreed to let him teach her some simple protective “magic” but begs off doing anything that night as she’s exhausted. Kaz speaks first here.

Collected excerpts for this story are here. Adrael is an angel. Crossers are demons who work undercover for the forces of Light.
“You’ll be safe enough tonight so I’ll be back around nine-ish tomorrow morning.” 

“I don’t feel safe; would I look like a weakling if I asked Adrael to hang around?” 

Kazimir’s face fell and he said, “You don’t think I can protect you?” 

“That’s not it, you’d blow your cover if any demons ran into you. If you weren’t a Crosser, you wouldn’t be casually hanging around here.”

His grin made my skin crawl. “That’s true, I wouldn’t.” He leaned close and whispered, “I’d ravish you until you begged me to stop. And Adrael’s been here the last two nights.”
Including Devorah’s response would have pushed the excerpt well over 8 sentences, but she has the thought that if she’d been wearing stilettos, she’d have perforated his foot J

Happy Spring to everybody! Hope the weather is cooperating, wherever you live. Do hop back to the WeWriWa home page for more excerpts. I’m probably hopping back and forth as you read this! Thanks for visiting.


  1. oooh, love Kazimir's answer !!!

    1. Hi, thanks for stopping in! I'm glad you like it :)

  2. Oh, once a demon always a demon ; ) This made me smile this morning, love it!

    1. Hey Millie. Thanks! Kaz gets a kick out of teasing her but one of these days, it might come back to bite him, lol!

  3. 'Safe enough,' there's a qualified condition if I ever heard one. This is a demon, right? A demon that has transcended the usual level of duplicity and treachery to betray its own heritage and nature. That's quite a bit of untrustworthiness...but maybe he has changed, which is possible, and possibly a good thing, at least until he changes again. Dangerous waters there. Adds a nice bit of tension and suspense to the mix.

  4. The relationship between these characters is so fascinating. I love every glimpse you give us - great snippet!

  5. LOL! Trust a demon to think dirty :)

  6. Demon or not, a typical male reaction feeling belittled that she might want someone else's protection. Great response.

  7. Can a leopard change it's spots? I think not. Beware the demon who teases about ravaging. It's no joke. She's a smart cookie. Love the eight, your sense of humor and this unworldly story.

  8. Do I detect a note of jealousy here?

  9. Kazimir's last line had me tingling. Great snippet!

  10. Kazimir is definitely NOT to be trusted! But I'm guessing Devorah knows that.

  11. I'm not sure about Kaz, now. Hmmm... He is looking out for her, and he actually joked with her. I think he joked, anyway... lol. You've got the reader guessing, Marcia. Well done! :-)
