Sunday, March 10, 2013

Weekend Writing Warriors 3/10/13

Street Glass is my novel-in-progress. My tagline: Underprivileged 18-yr-old Latino leaves street gang and befriends white, over-privileged musicians.

While some of the plot is subject to change (draft two is a pretty early draft, after all) the basic elements will stay, as will the character "voices". So these excerpts will still give you a good idea of how the plot plays out and what the characters are like. The year is 1986, in Los Angeles, California.

All the previous excerpts are collected here.

Following on last week’s excerpt, Sandy has stormed out of the rehearsal he and his band were having. I’m skipping the description of him barreling down freeways in his Ferrari, going over the argument that made him leave rehearsal. Preoccupied with that, he swings off the freeway and drives several blocks before realizing he doesn’t know where he is. He decides to walk around to cool off, even though the area looks maybe not as nice as he’s used to. He parks at a restaurant and walks, eventually losing track of which way he’d come. We continue in Sandy’s POV:
Huh, lost somewhere in L.A. Maybe he could get a song out of that once he got home. Blown off course in some murky neighborhood . . . no, mixed imagery didn’t work.

That dark space up ahead looked like an alley entrance, but he hadn’t passed an alley before, at least he didn’t think so. He’d just hurry past.

Was that a sound behind him?

He gasped as his right arm was grabbed from behind and yanked up against his back. Something smooth, cold, and sharp pressed against his throat.

A rough male voice spoke in his ear. “Gotcha, Anglo.”
For more excerpts from a wide and wonderful variety of stories, visit Weekend Writing Warriors. We have fun blog hopping all over the world, and we hope you'll come along!

Thanks for visiting my blog today. Comments gratefully accepted :-D


  1. Ooh, nasty. Hope he gets away. Great snippet and good cliff hanger. 😳

    1. Wouldn't be as much fun if he got away ;-) Thanks for stopping by.

  2. Ooops! Great description and the guy grabbing him took me by surprise too. Looking forward to more.

  3. Uh oh, tense situation ahead! What a place to leave us - but effective. Terrific snippet!

  4. I'm guessing that Sandy didn't grow up in L.A. (or any other big city). Either that or he lacks a sense of self-preservation. (This whole snippet made me tense, probably because I'm from L.A. and my instincts just kept screaming for him to stay in the car and get outta the barrio.)

    1. Hi Monica. You're absolutely right: Sandy grew up in a small town. And he's kind of a, shall we say, head in the clouds sort of guy!

  5. I had a hunch something bad would happen in that neighbourhood! Can't wait to find out. Great excerpt, Marsha.

  6. A solid 8 sentences. The feel of something bad will happen was all over these sentences. You did a good job with word choice.
    My 8 sentences

  7. That was such a scary scene! Awesome where you take the characters from there! :-) Good post, Marcia. :-)

  8. Woah, this is bad and scary. Good snippet.

    1. Thanks :) I've reworked that scene so many times, I lost count ages ago!

  9. I really appreciate all the visits. I've started a computer class that runs every morning for the next 2 weeks, and with the time change I'm out of whack right now. I'll visit everybody but it'll take me another day or two.
